Thursday, November 8, 2012

Worry Wart

(Caution contains personal thoughts of a Lee nature)

There is a reason the term worry wart is what it is. A wart is pretty useless, gross, and usually leads to more warts. Just like worrying. I am sad to say that I fall into the worry wart category more than I should. I have spent a good chunk of this year worrying. You may ask about what, and my answer is everything! Its exhausting trying to think of every possibility and outcome (all usually horrible). And from what I have learned so far in life that pretty much everything I have ever worried about hasn't really happened. Its a horrible mental habit. I think we all worry to some extent, its natural and its good to be prepared. However, I need to do better and I actually have been doing better for the past month or two. I have felt at peace and confident in our future. I have enjoyed dreaming about all the good that can come our way. However I have felt very unsettled the last day because of the outcome of the current election. I spent way too much time informing myself about the current political atmosphere of our nation this year. And from what I have learned it is very important to be informed. Our form of government, the constitution are all inspired from God, so it makes sense to be aware of what is going on in the nation. However I can't control the actions of others, I can't listen to those who fuel the fire of "we're all doomed now". Yes I do believe that somethings will change, maybe not, I don't know. And that's just it I don't know, and I can't waste my energy worrying about what I don't know.

I titled this blog One Day at Time because I really think that I need to live my life one day at a time. I know how to combat my worrying ways and its a process that usually happens one day at a time, not in a big whoosh. I have learned and am always striving to do these things to be less of a worry wart and they are:

Pray. I have received such peace of mind after prayers. Maybe not instantly, but I have a testimony that the Lord hears my prayers. Like I mentioned above I have been feeling much less worrisome that past few months. I have felt at peace. I know that has been an answer to my prayers.

Gratitude. I have read that gratitude is the parent of all virtues. I find that when I am truly grateful for my life, family, gospel, and my many blessings I don't spend my time worrying about what might happen or what I don't have.

Don't feed the fuel. One way to have a guaranteed crappy day filled with worrying is feed the thoughts of worry. I have wasted so much good time and energy worrying about stupid things like "what if the world comes to an end and I don't have mascara?". That is just sad and pathetic and I am a little embarrassed to admit that I have actually had that thought.

Don't get caught up in the world. I have learned that when I am on top of every horrible event that is happening in the this country I bring the world into my home. Its not healthy to feed the fear created by the newsroom.

Don't be selfish. I think there are many ways to be selfish. I could write a whole paper on selfishness. I at times know that I can be an expert. But I have learned that when I worry I am worrying about myself most of the time. And that means I am not looking for ways to be unselfish. My life is so much better when I do my best to put others first and be of service. I have found that this one antedote to worrying works the best. How can I worry about my possible of being mascarless when I am comforting my daughter or planning a good primary lesson.

Scripture study.  President Hinckley said, "I promise you that as you read, your minds will be enlightened and your spirits will be lifted." I have to be honest that my scripture study has always been my weakness. Making time for it has drifted in and out of my priorities. I know that this is not great. I have felt so much closer to the spirit when I am consistently reading my scriptures. I have been pretty consistent the past few months and I know that is one of the main reasons why I have felt more at peace. Just like President Hinckley said I have felt my spirits lift. And how can I worry so much when I feel more spiritually lifted?

Dream of good things. I remember reading a John Bytheway book in high school about worrying. One of the things he pointed out is that when we worry, we don't dream. We use our imagination to create horrible circumstance and get put out by the things we can't control. He made the point that when we don't worry we have time to imagine good things happening. I can honestly say when I spend my time thinking about good things to come even if its just something that is happening tomorrow, I am so much happier. I guess this could also be called optimism. Its good to be optimistic.

These are just a few things that I have learned about myself and how to be less of a worry wart. I decided to write them down especially right now when its so easy to fall into negative thoughts. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Day in the Life of My Toddler

Daisy spends her time reading....


And playing naked in the backyard wearing pink boots...

33 Weeks...

So 33 weeks is a little early to be having a baby, but apparently my body was trying to get a head start Friday night. I was having contrations, real contractions. I spent the even debating whether or not to go to the hospital. I didn't want to go and have them laugh at me just to tell me that it was Braxton Hicks. But since I was having them every few minutes and at least 6 or more in an hour, Aaron took me in. And it turns out they weren't Braxton Hicks, just your run of the mill getting ready to pop out a baby ones. Thankfully though I wasn't even dilated and they gave me a shot to stop them. So I guess we will see when this little boy decides to join us. I am hoping for a least a few more weeks. But who knows maybe he will just hang out in there for an extra 8 days like Daisy did.

Messy Fun!

Shaving cream! Who knew that it could be so fun?
Thanks to my good friend Brenda and Pinterest, this made an excellent way to spend a week day morning that would have normally been pretty dull.

Halloween 2012

This Halloween was so much fun! Last year Aaron was gone and Daisy wasn't even one yet, so it wasn't much to remember. Its amazing how much can change in one year. This year Daisy was old enough to Trick-Or-Treat. I am pretty sure she had a blast. She caught on fairly fast, what kid doesn't when there is candy involved? She, as you can see below, was a little lady bug!

I am 32 weeks pregnant in this picture if anyone was curious...

Wearing Dad's sunglasses.

We went trick or treating with cousins Hailey and Hannah. They were owls and also very cute!

I just love this picture, its especially fun to be a parent on days like this.