Thursday, March 28, 2013

3 Months Old

I forgot how much I love babies, my babies. I can't get enough of this little guy. His smell, his squishy little body, his coos, everything!

Rockwell just gets cuter every day! He has big blue eyes and a button nose. I love that he has hair, but it does get stinky sometimes for no apparent reason even when its clean... boys I guess. He is working on rolling over, he has made it to his side. He is very smiley and talkative. He is much bigger than Daisy was at this age, he has meat on his bones. He also found his fingers a few weeks ago and sucks on them constantly. He stayed in our room a whole month longer than Daisy did. I just couldn't stand him being far away because that means he is getting bigger. I probably would have kept him in our room longer if he hadn't out grown his bassinet. I have to admit though I have slept much better since he has been in his own room. Man we just love him!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Oh my Daisy girl! She has so much personality and I love it. I wouldn't mind if she slowed down sometimes, but she really is a great girl. She is tall and lean, with not an ounce of fat on her little two year old body. She loves the park, her friends, pizza, Mickey Mouse, and her baby brother. She is pretty much talking now, I can understand most everything she says, others might not be able to but I can. She is definitely a terrible two year old though. It has been interesting learning how to handle to explosions of emotion that come so often. She is really becoming a little girl. She can blow bubbles, paint, throw diapers away, feed Finch, clean her room (with a lot of help of course). She know lots of shapes, and is starting to have a pink preference. Everything must be pink. She hates getting her hair done, but always wants pretties in her hair. She gets super excited over most everything and say "wow" in a whisper. I bring her her blanket its "wow". I turn on Mickey Mouse its "wow". We have also been starting to sing primary songs at night before bed and she loves to sing along with me. It doesn't sound like any real song but she loves to sing. She is also starting to understand princesses, she has a little skirt that is her princesses skirt. Her hair is honey colored and curly and beautiful. She has a good memory for friends. Most days she wakes up asking to go play with a friend or go over to Grandma's house. She knows what sad is now too. When someone is crying or there is sad music on her shows she says "sad" in the saddest voice she has. She also loves to hang out with Dad when he works in the garage, its one of her favorites.

Being a big girl like cousin Laine...

Found out she is allergic to cinnamon

I still haven't forced the paci away... I know its time :)

My headache...

Well my migraine lasted about 3 weeks. I still don't feel completely normal, but much much better. I hope that I won't get another intractable migraine anytime soon. My doctor has me on a new Birth Control to balance out my hormones. I am hoping that this will be a good fix for my headaches and lots of other things. Even though this migraine was not fun, I feel like it was the Lord's way of helping me realize some things about my life. For example, I wanted everything to be back to normal as quickly as possible after Rockwell was born. His pregnancy was not easy and I just wanted normal. My house, my body, my brain, my family.  But I have learned that life does not go back to normal after a new baby right away. A second baby is way different than the first. I have learned that for now its okay that my body is not back to prebaby weight 3 months after birth. Good for those women who do it, but my body needs to heal up a bit longer. If my house is not picked up every night before bed, its okay. Now don't misunderstand, I want normal, but I was told the other day that life is never normal. Accepting that life is not perfect and that I can't do everything was not what I was expecting out of this headache. I might sound silly and I know that this may be a lesson I have to relearn sometimes. I also am so thankful for all the help I have had with my kids. Family really is the most important.

Grateful for these Grandmas!

Rockwell 2 Months

I think there is a better picture of Rockwell at two months somewhere but this is the only one I can find.
 My handsome boy.

The Catch Up

Today, I am savoring naptime and praying that Daisy will sleep away the afternoon. She has had a stomach bug for the last few days. I hate that she is sick, she really does become quite pathetic when she doesn’t feel well. I am also praying that no one else catches it. I am not a fan of cleaning up all the physical nastiness of being sick.

So sad...

I feel like so much has been going on since I last blogged. I can’t believe it is almost April. This time last year I was pregnant with Rockwell and we had just got another stomach bug. I wonder what it is with us and Easter and being sick. Anyway I am going to do my best to record the last few weeks, plus I will get a point on the challenge I am doing with my Mom and sisters… thanks for the idea Jill!