Sunday, January 4, 2015


Life is about to get back to normal here in the next few weeks. Aaron hasn't worked since Halloween Day. Some plans didn't go accordingly and he ended up with a few more weeks at home than we had previously planned. It has been nice to have him around so much. Our kids have especially enjoyed his presence. He starts his new job next Tues. the 13th. We have been waiting for this since he got the job offer last September. I think he is very ready to start. He has been twiddling his thumbs a bit with boredom and I didn't know someone could sleep so much. ;) Almost there...

As for me I am ready to get back to a routine. Back to preschool, back to regularly gym attendance, back to church meetings, and now figuring out when to do my new job. Two months ago I was blessed to get a stay at home job with a company that creates, maintains, and updates school websites. I am still in the training phase and probably will be for a few more months. So far I love it. I make my own hours, have something that has nothing to do with my mommy life, and am getting paid for it. I do all things related to content updating for schools. Sometimes I even get to write for the websites. There has been a major learning curve, but I would like to think that I am getting the hang of it. I am just so grateful to have it.

For years, I had looked and prayed to find a job I could do at home, that didn't require set hours or a designated quiet space. There is no such thing as a quiet space when you have kids. No such job ever appeared. I found a lot of fake jobs, I even tried taking surveys. I know some people who have legitimately made extra cash from survey taking. I only make one whole dollar after a month of diligent survey taking. That's when I slowly started watching kids. Obviously, the Lord knew that for me and our family at that time, watching kids was what I needed to be doing. Once, I got over the fact that I was watching kids, I was never one who liked watching kids growing up... ever, I actually found some pride in taking care of children. I liked getting to talk to grown-ups everyday when they dropped of their kids. As Daisy started to grow all the kids did was play by themselves for hours. It was nice. I was also nice to help ease the financial burdens. During all of this time Aaron was working and going to school 70 plus hours every week, with military stuff thrown in every so often. He is a hard worker and I liked helping him.

Even while watching kids I still looked for a job I could do at home, still nothing came along until last September. A friend of mine thought I would be good for an opening in the company she worked for. One thing lead to another and I got the job. The timing of course is ironic. The moment I don't really need to work, I find the job I was wanting for years. Obviously, I am doing it and trying my best. I am excited to have this option. I was looking to go to school and finish the second half of my bachelors as soon as it made financial sense to do so. But, it hasn't felt right, I needed to be fully in my kids lives. So this has been a nice way to earn a little extra cash, and still be fully present at home.

My Mom told me before I had kids that I should always pray that I can be able to stay home with them. I know that I am not a perfect Mom. I have only been one four short years, but I am thankful for answered prayers, the Lord's timing, a hard working husband, and two kids.

Christmas Day

Last year on Christmas morning we woke up before our kids. This year was no different. Aaron kept waking up through out the night thinking he heard Daisy, but I think the bounce house from the day before wore them out. We opened presents around 8 o'clock and it was wonderful.

Santa came! Christmas a parents is almost as fun as Christmas as a kid.

After presents we went over to Grandma's and ate some cinnamon rolls. This was Daisy helping Grandma finish up some treats for the coming festivities. We spent the morning at Grandma Davis's, then headed back over to Heidi's house to spend some time with my family. Then we headed back over to the Brooks's house for the Brooks family party.

I didn't take to many pictures of Christmas day because it was a busy day. I did take these few though.

This was a game where you had to stuff balloons into panny hose and then put the hose on your head. It was entertaining watching great grandpa do that.

We finished the evening with sparklers. 

Christmas Eve

Grandma Rena rented a bounce house for Christmas this year again. It was a good one to, with a slide. We spent the afternoon of Christmas Eve day over at the Brooks house. Kids played on the bounce house for hours.

This picture is of Bode flying through mid air. Made me chuckle.

For the evening my parents came down to spend Christmas Eve with us and Heidi's family. It was a  laid back evening with yummy food. We also watched Wild America per Grandpa's choosing.

Of course Maggie got to come too. These two liked her the most. They are the cutest.

I love this picture. The look on Rocky's face it pure innocence. I laugh every time I look at it.

This picture makes me laugh too. The look on Daisy's face on the bottom photo and then the top where she makes him be quiet. Plus everyone's face, its just a good picture.

They were thrilled to get Christmas jammies.

I found Aaron's shirt at Ross for only a few bucks. I am glad he was a good sport and wore it. 

I like Christmas Eve better than the actual day of Christmas. The anticipation that fills the air is the best part of Christmas. I love it right before the sun is setting, there is just something about that time on Christmas Eve that  lets you know Christmas is almost here.

Brooks Grand-kids

A few days before Christmas we had the Brooks family gathering. This is all the Brooks grand-kids minus Brandon and Brooke's four. The numbers are growing, :)

The Zoo

There is a Zoo here in the West Valley only about 20 minutes from our house. We decided to go the Saturday before Christmas. Aaron is good to create experiences for us. If it were up to me, we would stay home, simply because I don't think about going out and having adventures.

They had some impressive aquariums. Rocky loved the fish. I think he liked how close he could get to them.

I love penguins.

We got to feed the Lorys. I don't recall if I have ever held a bird before this day. To be honest I am not the biggest fan of birds. Their okay I guess. It was fun to hold them though. Daisy did not want to hold one, which was no surprise. She doesn't like new things. Rocky tried to feed it, but that was about it.

We fed giraffes, and rode a merry-go-round, and saw all the animals. When we were driving home, we asked Daisy what her favorite part was and she said the stick she found. Kids are great.


Rocky and Daisy both had their 2 and 4 year old check-ups. Rocky gained three pounds from his last appointment in October. So, it was very nice to not hear my doctor tell me we need to watch his weight. I think he weighed close to 25 pounds. This particular visit was for specifically for shots. Rocky needed the second round of his flu shot and Daisy needed all of her boosters. So that meant 5 shots for Daisy and 1 for Rockwell.

I am so proud of both my kids. They took their shots like pros. Especially Daisy, she did so good. I was so proud of how brave she was. She kind of teared up after the first three, but held it together. The last two shots were the more painful one and she started to cry but I could tell she was trying so hard to by tough. She was very resolved to be brave and did a good job.

I took them to the dollar spot after to pick something out for being so good. They both chose paints. Daisy is getting very good at staying inside the lines. A few months ago she was scribbling all over a picture and I sat down with her and showed her how to stay in the lines. It must have been a revelation because because now she colors only inside the lines and does a decent job. And whenever she sees a kid not coloring in the lines she will point it out to me like that kids is doing it completely wrong.

Then there is Rocky. Who enjoys getting paint everywhere but the on the picture. Oh well.

Grandma's Visit

As all great Mom's do, my Mom came down to help Heidi out with her newest addition. I talk with my Mom quite often, like everyday. Sometimes I forget that she lives four hours away. When she is here though, I quickly remember that she is far away and that I am so happy we get to have her around even if it is only for a few days.

She took this picture on my phone and wanted to make sure I had it, so she tried to send it to me... I love my Mom and know where I get it from.  I really do like this picture.


I have watched kids for almost three years. I have done it because I have needed to. I have also been very choosy about who I decide to watch. I have learned that there is always someone looking for childcare, and that some kids are just the worst to watch. But, some kids are awesome. Allie has been one of those little awesome ones. Sometimes I think she has been a tender mercy from the Lord for me and Daisy. She has a sweet disposition and plays so well with Daisy. Not everyday is easy, but not everyday is easy with my own kids. The day may be coming through soon when I will stop watching her. We no longer need me to watch kids, but I think we would miss our friend.

Rockwell's Birthday


Christmas Parties

December was a busy month and it went by so fast. This whole year went by fast...

I took this picture of Daisy and Rocky at our ward's Christmas party. I was impressed with our ward's party this year. The decorations were very good and so was the food. They even had a talent show. But of course the highlight was Santa. Daisy hopped right on his lap and asked for a scarf, makeup, and a dollhouse. Rocky didn't care about Santa. He was more concerned with the candy cane he got from Santa.

I know this picture has nothing to do with Christmas parties, but I was so proud of myself for learning how to do a dutch braid. Its really not that hard and I love the way it looks.

Aaron's Mom's family does a reunion every Labor Day and Christmas party every year. This year we brought cookies to share for the party and spent the afternoon making them. I have also learned that I strongly do not like to bake with children. It stresses me out. I will do my best to teach them to bake and cook as they get older, but its not favorite. Its all about those memories right? ;)

She is so happy to be my helper. She actually is a very good little helper, I can tell why God sent her first.

Joncas Baby # 4

Heidi and Jeremiah rounded off their family on the 4th of  December with baby Findley. While Heidi was as the hospital, Aaron and got to have the Joncas kids for a day. 

We played with Aaron's almost twenty year old set of kinects. 

And watched the Santa Clause 2. Its nice to have cousins.

And baby Findley. :)