So far this pregnancy I have only had one craving. Jambalaya... a little odd I know. Man that stuff is good especially from BJ's Brew house. But its kind of pricey so I thought to make my own. It actually tasted good! I also had to buy and cook shrimp. I have never done that before and it was gross. I also made fried chicken for the first time ever. Obviously its not too hard, but it was a first for me. I also made bread for the first time. I made whole wheat bread with a recipe I found on pinterest... where else. But I was proud of myself because it actually was good bread. I have always put off making bread because I know that sometimes when you first are starting out, you tend to make bread more the consistency of a brick than food. But it was good. I am not saying that brick like bread will never happen in my kitchen but it was nice to try something and have it work the first time.
I also am making something else for the first time... a boy! I think the picture below is proof enough that this kid is a boy.
We are excited and not to surprised. We both had the feeling that he was a boy from the start, now we know for sure. My due date is still the 20th of December. Now we just have to think of boy names, so far I feel that naming a boy is much harder to do.
Good job on the baking! I remember seeing that picture before when you made it. I hate jambalaya. Maybe I haven't had a good one yet? And I'm really really hoping there's a way I can get to AZ to see your newest first! I'm sure I'll love him!