Thursday, August 22, 2013


Last week my friend Brenda and I made chore charts for our little girls. Very simple and easy. I remember my Mom making me a chore chart and I got a gold star sticker every time I did my chore. The only chore I remember though was saying my prayers. I remember she drew a little girl kneeling. Since then I rarely fall asleep without saying my prayers. I felt that Daisy is now big enough to learn how to help out a little bit around the house, help her learn how to work, have some responsibility and a sense of accomplishment. Okay that might be a lot for my two year old but start em young right?

We have been doing them for three days so far and it is still fun, my goal is to stick with this.She has been really enjoying her chores. She feeds Finch, puts the silverware away, puts her toys and books away, brushes her teeth, says her prayers, and puts dirty clothes away. The silverware takes forever, but I am being patient. I want my children to be good little workers and enjoy a job well done.

So now on to my chores. I feel that I keep a clean house for the most part. I do fall behind. Two kids, church, life, and just plain old "I am sick of washing the dishes again!" usually are my excuses. But I am really trying to be more of a grown up. The last two week I haven't had anything much to do and my kids both were sleeping in till 8, which has been unheard of for the last few months. I took advantage and slept in. It was nice, but after a few days I started feeling kind of blah, kind of like I had missed an important part of my day. So I decided that I need my own chores. I am after all an adult and should be more in charge of how I treat my day instead of just doing whatever. So my goals/chores are as follows:

Wake up well before my kids to exercise, get dresses and study my scriptures.
Do my Daily chores around the house. I even made chart so I know what day needs what done.
Plan my meals.

I know that the saying is a goal written down is half way there. I don't believe that. I cannot tell you how many times I have written a goal down and that was all I ever did towards that goal. My follow through isn't great when it comes to some things. But I really want to make sure my day starts off well and that usually means I am in charge of how the day starts not my kids.
Wish me luck in my attempts to stick to my goals for longer than a week.

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