Thursday, February 9, 2012

Black and Blue...

Daisy got her first black eye a few days ago. She tookn a fall off the couch. I was folding laundry and she was using the laundry basket as a balance, it tipped over and she went with it. Unlucky for her I wasn't fast enough to catch her and the toys were on the floor. She whacked her eye on a block. She was a trooper though, only cried for a second.

Its not a bad black eye. Am not happy that she hurt her eye, but I am glad she likes to play. And kids who play sometimes get hurt.


  1. It isn't normal unless cardon has a bruise, bump, or scratch somewhere n his face. He got his first black eye at nine months. No worries.

  2. It only adds to the cuteness! But I wish I could come and give her a kiss.

  3. Oh poor thing! Good things little ones recover fast.
