Friday, June 21, 2013

I love this guy. 

I Got Bangs...

 I do not like to post pictures of myself. I am not one of those ladies who has mastered the self portrait. So with saying that her is my new hair do. Bangs. I did it myself...I had a crazy moment and this is what came of it. I actually don't think its that bad, just very different from my normal look. I am still getting used to it.

Num Num Num

He is a fan.

Vacation While Dad is Away

This past month Aaron went to Germany with His unit for training. He was gone for 11 days. So I said goodbye to the heat and went up to my parents while he was gone.
We went to the lake and fed the duckies.
We mostly just relaxed and enjoyed the weather. We spent a lot of time on the porch, it was wonderful.

My Mom and I took Daisy and Rockwell to the Snowflake Temple. It was sweet to watch her explore. All though she was quite the stinker that day, it was very much worth the trip to take her to the temple where are little family started.
I discovered the panoramic feature on my phone. It really is a beautiful view.

 The evening is the best time of the day to be outside playing. The air is just the perfect temperature and the sunlight is warm.

Of course we drove up to Big Lake and had ice cream. That is one of my favorite things to do. I told a good friend that and she called me a hick, made me laugh. Its probably true but I like being a hick :).

 I am so lucky that I got to grow up in such a beautiful place.

While we were up there we had access to Grandma Trish's preschool supplies. We worked on colors. Daisy is starting to learn more colors than pink and she is proud of her little self.

Rockwell and Grandpa Dave swinging.

Daisy missed her Daddy, she asked for him and her own bed. She looked so tiny sleeping in this big bed.

Snuggling with Grandma.

We missed our Dad but it was nice to have an escape from the heat and to see Grandpa and Grandma.

6 Months Old

How did six months go by so fast? Rockwell wakes up more cute everyday! I just love having a baby boy. He is such a good baby. He is very laid back, he does have his fussy moments but he seems to take life as it comes so far. He is a good eater and we are still nursing. I hope that we can go a whole year, I just love it. He is strong and has started to scoot arcoss the floor. He does this on his back though. So far he would rather be on his back than tummy. He loves toys that make crunchy noises. He is talking it up too. He has the sweetest little voice and is finding new sounds all the time. He weighs 15 pounds 8 ounces and is 24 and a half inches long. He started solid foods last week and is enjoying it so far, makes him a little stinky though. He isn't as good a napper as Daisy but he is sleeping through the night, usually just wakes up once to eat sometime in the early morning. He loves Daisy and she loves him. He just loves when she talks with him and gives him toys. I hope the next six months slow down, I just love him being so cute and small!

Friday, June 7, 2013


*How did you meet your spouse? Was it love at first sight or did it take some time?
The first time I officially met Aaron was the first week he was home from his mission. I sort of met him when I was 15 at my sister's open house but I barely remember. He and his family had come up to go snowboarding and stay at his Grandparent's cabin. It was February of my senior year and I was kind of dating another boy. One night during thier stay he and his older brother and his wife went over to my sister's house to play games. I was invited too. I remember a lot about that night. Aaron was quiet, played with his hat and was quick to inform me that he had served his mission in Costa Rica. Poor boy hadn't even talked to a girl in two years and there were his brothers playing matchmaker. I thought he looked nervous but he claims he wasn't. I thought he was cute, but when I left I went back to my life. Looking back now I can see though that I was aware of him. Anytime someone talked about him I remember. Like when He bought his truck, that stayed in my mind for some reason. Anyway after my summer ended I moved down to the valley to play volleyball. I, having no social life and feeling pretty lonely finally said yes to hanging out with Aaron and his friends after him asking a few times. I specifically remember telling my sister I didn't want to hang out with him because I would marry him and I didn't want to get married yet. After a few weeks of hanging out he asked me out on a real date and a long story short we fell in love.

*How long did you date before you got engaged? How long was your engagement?

We started dating in September and were engaged in February. The
"L" word was first said by Aaron a week before Thanksgiving and then by me a few weeks later. We started talking about getting married a few weeks after that, I paniced and broke things off for a while (sorry Aaron). It was really only for two or three weeks. I won't go into all the lovey dovey details but I realized that all I wanted was to be was with Aaron and that I shouldn't be scared to get married even though it came sooner than I was planning. I loved him.

*How did you get engaged? (The story.)

We don't have an amazing engagement story. And looking back on every thing I honestly don't remember the first time Aaron asked. But the night I remember it becoming real was a night we took a walk to a park, sat down and just talked. He held my face and asked and I said yes. Later that night before he went home I told him sorry for being such a turd, and he said I was a turd that he would never flush... We are so romantic and a little gross. Sometime after that we drove out to Queen Creek to my oldest sister's house. They weren't there but my parents were. They were there so Aaron could ask my Dad's permission. I think it was mostly my Mom's doing though. My Dad and Aaron weren't to keen on that conversation as I remember. We got there and then my Mom and I went to get pizza. I don't know what went on while we were gone, but I am pretty sure my Dad asked Aaron if he was sure because I was a little crazy :). Then my favorite part came, ring shopping. We went together and I got to pick out my ring. We went to Jared's ;). After we got the ring we still hadn't told anyone. I liked those few days having it just be us that knew, I remember being really happy an excited. The following Sunday we told Aaron's family. The first time Aaron slipped the ring on my finger was in the car on the way to dinner. Like I said we are very romantic.

*Who did most of the wedding plans? Who helped?
I was lucky to be the last woman to marry in my family. My mom and both my sisters were super women. They planned I said yes or no. I think both of my sisters said at one point that they were planning our wedding how they would have done it if they could have gone back in time and done their weddings. I loved everything. My contributions were the colors, cupcakes, and Oreo truffles. I am sure there is more but the months leading up to my wedding were kind of a blur. When the big day came both of our families helped set up the reception. My oldest sister Jill went to the temple with me and Aaron the day before to help with our pictures. Heidi my second eldest sister helped me do my hair and when the flowers came just as flowers and not bouquets they all jumped into action. I was a lucky girl to have such great family.

*Who were your bridesmaids/best men?
My sisters were my bridesmaids and my sister in law Heather. And I think Aaron just had his brother.

*Describe the details of your wedding: the colors, the cake, the decorations, etc.
My colors were deep red and gold. I wanted a warm vintage feel to my wedding. My Mom and sisters used decoration from their homes to decorate the reception. We made a

 false ceiling with tool and white lights. My flowers were red roses. I had a three tiered square cake. I believe my Aunt Tammy made it and it was delicious. Cupcakes were served but I don't remember what other food.

*Where did your wedding take place? Who performed the ceremony? Do you remember any words of advice given?
Aaron and I were married in the Snowflake Temple in the morning. The temple president at the time performed our wedding and I can't recall his name right now. But he was sweet and wise. All I really remember of his words were that when I was up in the middle of the night with a crying baby that that was for the establishment of Zion. I liked that and often think of it at night as that is the place I am at in my life.

*Where did you go on your honeymoon? What adventures did you have?
We went on a Carnival Cruise. And to be honest if I could go back in time and choose a different honeymoon I would,because the swine flu broke out at  the same time and all ports in the Mexican Rivera were closed. So were stuck on the boat the whole time. We did get to go to Catalina Island one day and that was fun. We ate, relaxed and did other stuff... Overall it was okay and look forward to the day when we can redo our honeymoon. Maybe a trip to the South?

According to a post on Pinterest this is an adolescent elephant having an emotional moment or in other words a tantrum. It made me laugh more than I think it should have. Lately Daisy has been a lot like this elephant, in the throws of a temper tantrum. I know I have mentioned her temper on my blog before. Since she hit toddlerhood she has been throwing tantrums so its nothing new at our house, but lately she has amped it up. We will go weeks with multiple meltdowns that last what seem like hours. Or maybe its just one big tantrum that is ongoing and shows itself every half hour. I am complaining here and I hope it doesn't sound like I don't love her because I most certainly do but, man she can sure throw a tantrum. I have been reading lots of parenting tips and advice about two year old tantrums. So far no help. There are the earthy moms out there where I once read a blog post about her poor daughter throwing a tantrum for twenty minutes... I laughed out loud. Try 4 hours of vein popping screaming, throwing toys, hitting walls and me. Then there are the moms who are like just reason with your child. You can't reason with a two year old. I know that this is a phase kids go through and its a part of learning how to handle big emotions. I know that the worst of this will pass with her growing up a little. I am mostly ranting here, I am just at a loss as how to handle these explosions. I have done what I think is everything I know how to do. I guess it is what it is. And some day maybe she will read this when she has a two year old and I will just laugh and laugh because I know...