Sunday, July 14, 2013

7 Months Old

The past few days I felt that Rockwell has entered in to a new phase. Not that anything has really changed, I just looked at him and he seemed bigger maybe a little older. He is the best baby. He sleeps through the night, eats well, and is a very mellow kid. The only thing he fights is sleep, he knows that he is missing out on some kind of fun.
This is how he sleeps now...he gets his hair in all kinds of messy fuzzies.
I debated whether or not to post this picture because it looks a little bit scary. But this is what he does. He arches his back and scoots all over. He pushes his heels into the ground and lifts his chest up into the air and moves around.

He is such a happy,

handsome boy!

He is seven months old,

and this is what he started doing to mark the day. He can sit for about 30 seconds without falling.
No teeth yet....

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Grown Up Vehicle

The day we packed up to head north for the 4th, Aaron was in charge of loading up the car. After the third bag, pac'n'play, and stroller he had had enough. The next few days I would every so often get a text to a craigslist link showing me a bigger car. I wan't opposed to the idea. We were getting due for a bigger car. Its amazing how one more little person can take up so much space. Anyway once we got home Aaron checked out this Yukon and he was sold. We got it Wednesday and are in the process of selling our Jeep. Which is still a great car, but I have to admit I LOVE this car. Its so big! There is room to spare! Our hope is that this car will go another 100K. Its a 2005 and is the newest car I have ever driven, I feel spoiled and like a real Mom now.

Time Out...

I don't know what he did but it must have been bad...

Fourth of July Celebrations!

Since Aaron and I have been married we have spent the 4th up in Pinetop with my family. We love to escape the heat and be with family! This year was no different, except its getting more fun because Daisy is getting a little older that she can do some bigger kid activities, like watch a whole parade.
Here are all the counsins (minus Rockwell) who came for the 4th. Daisy loves her cousins, she calls them her friends and thinks she is pretty hot stuff when she gets to play with all the older kids. I am glad they included her so much.

Fun memories!

 I love my sisters! I guess the perk of being the youngest I get to look up to these great ladies!

Uncle John. I had to take a picture as proof the we saw him. ;)

They make me smile.

I look horrible in this picture...but I rarely get Aaron to take a picture so I have to post proof that he stood here long enough for a picture.

Rockwell's first fourth. I don't think he cared one way or another...

DaDaDaadadadadada.... Circus!

We got to go to the circus a few weeks ago and it was such a fun day.
Daisy and I before the show.

Daisy is always timid when she comes across new things. She was a little unsure at first but she loved the elephants and tigers. On the ride home she kept saying how much she liked the animals and that she was going to see a giraff...I love how her little two year old brain works. She only had to be taken out once for being a little naughty but came back in and was a very good girl.

His face cracks me up. He looks like a cute little monkey most of the time.

Look closely and you can see Aaron and Daisy. If you were a little early you could walk around the pit and see clowns and other circus stuff.

Cotton candy for the first time, it was just okay. Aaron said he remembered it being better as a kid, but most things are better when your a kid.

My favorite part of the circus was Rockwell. He may have been a little overly stimulated, but he loved it! He hopped, bounced, and never blinked. Rockwell never usually spits up too, but he bounced around so much that he made himself throw up. I think out of everyone he liked it the most.

The high wire...

Grandpa and Grandma!

These women amaze me, they could fall any second, but they don't. All the fun pictures of the elephants and tigers are on Aaron's phone. Maybe someday I will get them on here. I loved the tigers, they were big cats and I love cats.

I doubt Aaron likes this picture but I do. He is being a cheese and I like it.


Here is everyone who could come. I think it was my sister in law's idea to go and it was a good one. I also stole this picture... thanks Kim!

And here was Daisy on the way home in her $15.00 hat... that's where they make their money. She is the best!

Memorial Day

I know that Mermoial Day was a while ago but I wanted to share these cute pictures!
Daisy is actually not a big fan of pools. She is scared of the water, we are working on that. Anyway she was only in the water for a few minutes but long enough I got a picture.

This was Rockwell's first time in the water. I thought he was going to cry like Daisy did, but he didn't. He was very content to be in the water and enjoying it even though it was a little cold. I loved it!

Rockwell and I.

They look so much alike in this picture.

This just makes me smile, I love my boys.


Well Aaron got to go to Germany at the begining of the summer with his unit for training. One of the perks of being in the ANG is the traveling. Even though he didn't get to do much exploring he did get a day or two to visit some pretty fun sites and eat yummer snitzle...
Can you tell he was so happy to pose for a picture...

Look at all the clocks! So neat!

Aaron said this was an equivalent to your Statue of Liberty. Other than that it is a very impressive statue.

I wish I could have gone too! Look how beautiful that country looks.

And a castle.