Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Just Killing Time

I have some time to kill today or in other words I am putting off my homemaking duties because I don't want to do them :) So I thought I would blog about the thoughts in my head not related to having a baby, which are few, but still there.

My random thoughts:

I love 70's music. I have on the 70's station on the TV and I really am enjoying it. I think its because it reminds me of driving with my Dad to do appraisals, plus it was a good decade for music.

I miss real clothes. I hope that I will be able to lose my baby weight so I can wear cute clothes agian and feel cute in them.

I love that it is not hot outside anymore. I love opening all my windows and letting my home be filled with natural sunlight! Its the best.

I have discovered that Ande's makes cookies. They are awesome. They taste like Ande's candies and Thin Mints... two of my favorite sweets.

I am also wishing I was in Arkansas because Jill can light a fire in her fireplace and they have a little boxer puppy, I miss you Jill and your kids.

I need new glasses.

I love Harry Potter. I am a grade A dork when it comes to all things Harry Potter. I have read and listened to these books since the 4th grade over and over and over. They are never boring and so well written. More than once my mom has told me to branch out and read other books and I have but nothing has compared to Harry Potter. Aaron thinks its pathetic that I like it this much, but I have decided to have no shame. Some might think it is dork like to go to the midnight release of all the books since the fifth book and stay up for the next day reading. I am proud to say though that I have never dressed up as a Harry Potter character and gone to the movie premires (like those wierd 35 year old men... creepy). I think one of the reasons I like Harry Potter so much is that the books came out every summer so I could read as much as I wanted too. I was also close to the same age as all the characters so that was fun. I could write more like how when I was 17 and the final book came out during our volleyball camp in California and I read in the closet till 3 am so I would know what happened ,but I won't.

The reason Harry Potter is floating around in my non baby thoughts is that the first part of the final movie comes out on friday and I don't really care.... Which is not normal for me, but I want to have a baby more than I want to see Harry Potter.

So close, Almost there, A few more steps...

39 Weeks

Well I have been officially full term for over a week now and I am feeling it. I finally feel I understand what all those pregnant ladies before me were talking about. It is uncomfortable to be this big and expectantly waiting to go into labor. I am hoping that she decides she wants to meet us this week. I have been trying a few things to induce labor. I have been going on long walks with Aaron and even went over to Heidi's for a walk yesterday. I also looked up a few homemade ideas online. I have decided to avoid caster oil for now though..... instead I have been eating lots of black licorice, pineapple, and rasberry tea, all of which were on a list of labor inducing foods. Some websites also said spicy food, maybe that will be dinner tonight. I am ready for her to be here, not just so I don't have to be pregnant anymore, but I am ready to start this phase. I haven't had much motivation to do much else lately, its like I don't want to do anything, but have a baby. I am ready to know that I am really in real labor, I have contractions, but nothing is sticking so far. I am ready to get labor over with so I don't have to be so scared of the unknown. I also am anxious to actually bring her home and know that she is mine and Aaron's. I am excited about that. I have most everything ready to go to the hospital, everything but a bag packed... maybe if I go pack it she'll come.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I haven't been up to much lately just waiting to pop this little girl out, but I have found somethings to occupy my time.
This is one of the dishes I have made to freeze for when I don't want to cook, which to be honest is all the time. I am not that enthusiastic about cooking. But this dish turned out pretty good, it is a potatoe casserole dish. I also made some chicken alfredo lasanga, and a pizza casserole.

These are obviously my feet. However they are swollen in this picture, if you look closely you can see the line from my sock. The weird thing though is that my feet aren't really swollen anymore. For about a week my feet were incredibly swollen and now they are only normal prego swollen.

This is a tailess lizard. You may be wondering why I am posting a picture of a lizard without a tail. Well I found this lizard in my kitchen, not by the door or running across the floor, but in my cabinet squished between my casserole dishes. SO GROSS! I screamed and then realized it was injured and probably half dead. So I tossed it outside. I suspect that Finch had something to do with the missing tail.

And this is our Halloween pumkin from 2009. Aaron found it in the backyard, for the past year I have been using our backyard as my own personal dump and I may have just tossed this pumkin over our fence and forgot about it. Its kind of gross and funny.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This year I am thankful for...

1. Aaron
2. I get to become a mother
3. Family
4. Freedom
5. My testimony
6. Food
7. My home
8. Laughter

I thought I would follow my mom and sisters' blogs by listing all the things I am thankful for, although I am not going to try and do it everyday this month, since I plan on getting busy later this month ;) I am thankful for more than 8 things, don't worry, these things have just been at the front of my brain and I am thankful for them especially right now.


for voting! I live near Sun City with all the snow birds, retirees, and those with more years :) So I got to go to the Sun City social hall to vote and I was the youngest person there. When I walked in and handed my drivers license to the poll worker she looked at me like "what is this?" I had handed her my driver's license that was still vertical stating that I am under 21, although I'm not any more, I just haven't changed it yet. Anyway she looked very confused that my license was in the wrong direction, then she said "Wow your license doesn't expire till 2054.... I'll be long gone" It made me laugh then all the other workers commented on how long I get to drive and that I was voting for 2 :) Overall it was a good voting day and I am glad I went out and voted! Oh and this little girl dropped today, I can breathe again! So hopefully she will make her debut soon:)