Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Just Killing Time

I have some time to kill today or in other words I am putting off my homemaking duties because I don't want to do them :) So I thought I would blog about the thoughts in my head not related to having a baby, which are few, but still there.

My random thoughts:

I love 70's music. I have on the 70's station on the TV and I really am enjoying it. I think its because it reminds me of driving with my Dad to do appraisals, plus it was a good decade for music.

I miss real clothes. I hope that I will be able to lose my baby weight so I can wear cute clothes agian and feel cute in them.

I love that it is not hot outside anymore. I love opening all my windows and letting my home be filled with natural sunlight! Its the best.

I have discovered that Ande's makes cookies. They are awesome. They taste like Ande's candies and Thin Mints... two of my favorite sweets.

I am also wishing I was in Arkansas because Jill can light a fire in her fireplace and they have a little boxer puppy, I miss you Jill and your kids.

I need new glasses.

I love Harry Potter. I am a grade A dork when it comes to all things Harry Potter. I have read and listened to these books since the 4th grade over and over and over. They are never boring and so well written. More than once my mom has told me to branch out and read other books and I have but nothing has compared to Harry Potter. Aaron thinks its pathetic that I like it this much, but I have decided to have no shame. Some might think it is dork like to go to the midnight release of all the books since the fifth book and stay up for the next day reading. I am proud to say though that I have never dressed up as a Harry Potter character and gone to the movie premires (like those wierd 35 year old men... creepy). I think one of the reasons I like Harry Potter so much is that the books came out every summer so I could read as much as I wanted too. I was also close to the same age as all the characters so that was fun. I could write more like how when I was 17 and the final book came out during our volleyball camp in California and I read in the closet till 3 am so I would know what happened ,but I won't.

The reason Harry Potter is floating around in my non baby thoughts is that the first part of the final movie comes out on friday and I don't really care.... Which is not normal for me, but I want to have a baby more than I want to see Harry Potter.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for & your hubby to become parent's! it's the Best!
