Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Prepare Every Needful Thing

I do not have a food storage. I go through spurts of enthusiasm about getting one and I even start to buy food or google ideas about how to go about it. Every time though I always lose my enthusiasm and move on to something else. I have been thinking about this pattern for the past few days. Why do I do this? Well probably because I am human and get preoccupied with more fun things than gathering food. Getting a food storage doesn't happen in a week, it takes some time and I am undisciplined. I have also never known a time in my life when I didn't have food. If I am hungry I go get food, I have always had this option. The only times in my life that I have known hunger is fast Sunday. I don't know what life is like without wonderful food at my finger tips. I guess one of the reasons I have been thinking about food is the Hunger Games. Lame I know, but in the first book food is one of the main themes discussed. Katiniss's world revolves around the acquisition of food and not starving to death. I don't know what that is like. I am so blessed to live in America and to have been raised in a family that could afford food always. So maybe that is another reason, I don't feel a sense of urgency about making sure I have a food storage, because I think I will always be able to get food when I need it. But what if the day comes that I can't afford food or there is no food to be bought?. Hopefully this will never happen, but I would rather be prepared. What is that fable about the grasshopper and the other bug...? Anyway I am thinking that if I approach food storage in a different way I will stick with it. So here is my plan:

I am going to blog about my progress. This will be mostly for me because who reads this anyway? I think that if I turn this into a project like one I would get at school I might be able to track my progress and be more accountable.

Usually when I start trying to get a food storage I end up buying food that we don't eat and it just sits on the self till it goes bad. This time I am not going to even think about a year supply. I am only going to work on a 3 month supply. Start small you know? So no buying 20 pounds of oats when I know no recipes that require oats. Not that I have done that. So 3 months is 12 weeks and I need 7 meals per week, that is 84 meals always available at my house! All of this on a small budget too.

So a 3 month supply is mostly made up of the types of food we eat right now, the main meals I cook. And now I can finally say after almost 3 years of marriage and pinterest I now have enough meals I can cook with confidence. There are a few websites I know of that focus on meals that need no refrigerated products, so I think I will try some of those recipes out and see if they would work.

I also need to learn to rotate my food. I am horrible at that. I feel ashamed to confess how much food I have wasted because I simply forget to use it or go buy the same thing without checking that I have it first. I have gotten much better at this compared to even a year ago. So I am going to implement a rotating system.

I also would love to get an upright freezer! I don't know if it will be in the budget, but I am going to be checking out craigslist a lot for one. I also want to learn what food I can freeze. Thanks to pinterest I now know that you can freeze avocados and green onions... who knew?

Now I can't forget water. It is amazing how much water I use everyday and thats just me not the other two people who live here. We need drinking water, bathing water, and cleaning water. I have started to refill juice bottles for this purpose. It is gives me a little sense of pride to see them start to accumulate.

Preparing every needful thing is overwhelming. There is so much that I consider a necessity besides food and water. I know that I am spoiled living in America, I consider mascara a necessity most days : ) Anyway I am starting with a 3 month supply since it is at the top of my priorities. Wish me luck and any advise is welcome!


  1. Just keep it a priority, Lee. About the oats.....I would get some anyway.......when cash is short oatmeal for breakfast is not a bad thing. :) It means so much to me that you see this as an important thing to do. xoxoxo Mom

  2. Lee,
    I was totally like you, when we first got married I didn't think about food storage at all since I thought there is always time for that later. I will tell you that a great way to build you food storage is to try THRIVE foods through shelf reliance. I think that the food taste good. You can set up a monthly budget and then the food is shipped right to your door. I love it is great. If you have any other questions you can let me know.


  3. Get the oats. I have lots of good recipes that you can use oats for in place of flour.... like waffles and pancakes, etc. Plus, think of all the granola bars and cookies & muffins you can make with oats. Yum. John just ordered me 100 pounds of to find a place to put it.

    And about getting freeze dried foods, those are great. But don't borrow money or set up an account where they bill you, etc. Just order some online when you have extra cash. That's what I do and now I have a nice stash of freeze dried food that is a nice compliment to my other boring things.

    It can be fun, and the church does tell you to start with what is manageable for you. How could you have a year supply of food in a tiny apartment in NY? You can't, but you can have a small supply. Start with a weeks supply and then build up to a 3 month supply. That would be enough.

    Love and miss you!
