Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Adios bipolar kitty cat....

We finally ditched Finch. He wasn't a good cat. He only liked me but in recent months he hadn't been able to tell friend from foe. In other words he was scary attacking us. I like having a pet around. And Finch was sweet to me on occasion. He would sleep with me every night. However he finally got weird enough that even I couldn't justify keeping him around. I always thought he would be that weird cat that just kept living and living for years. My final straw was when we got home from vacation and he was so sweet and let us all pet him, then some how he scratched my face and stomach with his back claws within like two minutes of being home.

He was our first pet and here before kids. I hope he had a good life here because we are pretty sure he wouldn't be coming out of the shelter we brought him to, if you know what I mean... 

So goodbye Finch!


  1. You need to write down how daisy thot cats didn't say meow they say hiss. LOL

  2. And also that you forgot his name in a conversation you had with me less than a month later. Not too attached to the crazy cat.
