Sunday, February 15, 2015

He's My Brother

Today at a church we sat behind a family that has a little boy Daisy's age. We missed getting to sit in the pews so we got the folding chairs in the back. Anyway, this meant that there was more access between rows for kids to see one another. This little boy and Daisy ended coloring together. Aaron passed the sacrament today so that meant I had Rocky and Daisy to myself. I was kind of glad she had a little friend to help her keep preoccupied so I could make sure Rocky was quiet. I made special care to not let Rocky see that Daisy was coloring with a friend. This went on until after sacrament when Aaron sat back down. Rocky finally noticed Daisy and her friend. I had kept him away partly because I was worried that Daisy would throw a fit if Rocky started intruding in on her space and her friend. I didn't stop him and was bracing myself for the frustration about to come from Daisy, from having her little brother ruin her fun. But, I was happily surprised. She looked up and gave him a hug and with a proud little expression she told her friend, "he's my brother". Then she looked at me with a smile. Made my heart melt.

I know they will fight and genuinely not like each other at times, but I hope they will always be friends and proud to call each other brother and sister.

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