Thursday, April 18, 2013

College years...

*Did you attend college or a trade school of some sort?
I went to Glendale Community College. The only reason I went there was to play volleyball. If it wasn't for volleyball it wouldn't have been on my radar. I had some other options for school all of which were focused on furthering my volleyball career. I chose GCC because it was a solid program with a great record. The school its self is just okay. I also didn't want to commit to four years of volleyball just in case I got married...Good thing hehe.

*How did you choose what you wanted to be when you grew up?
I have never been a person that knew what they wanted to do when they grew up. I always wanted to be a wife and mother and I always knew that's what I would get to do. Growing up though I would picture myself doing anything and everything. It was fun picturing my life going in any direction I wanted. Most of the time my imagination landed on me owning a cute little shop in a small tourist town or next to the beach and living above it (and having the most spectacular wardrobe full of cute clothes). More realistically a nurse or a teacher. The shop idea is fun if you are single and in a movie. But for right now I am doing what I knew I would be doing when I grew up. I have my Associates in Elementary Education, but I don't want to spend hours a day everyday in a classroom with kids. So someday I would like to finish my degree in Healthy Lifestyles. It is a nutrition degree through ASU. I didn't go that direction when I was in school because it had too much science and math, they aren't my strongest subjects. But I have learned that sometimes you have to do that hard thing to get the better result. Those are plans for the future though and I do hope that I will someday have the time and financial ability to pay for it without a loan. For now though I am where I am suppose to be doing what I am suppose to be doing.

*What dumb things did you do during those years?
I have definitely had my blond moments, Aaron will tell you that. But as for really dumb stuff, I don't have any stories. I have to much of a conscience to do anything that would get me in any real trouble.

*What good things did you do?
I got married. That was the best thing that came out of my short college years. I also found out I was pregnant with Daisy. I think those would be considered good things. I also started and finished my degree and volleyball. There were times I wanted to quit because it was very difficult but I didn't and I am glad I finished what I started. I also got Academic All American my second year. I had a lot more time to study after I was married.

*Did you live on your own? How well prepared were you for that?
I have never truly lived on my own. I never had the opportunity. I went from the home I grew up in, to my sister's home, to my own home. When I left home for the first time I wanted so badly to find a place to live and have roommates and the experiences of that part of life. But since I had decided to go to GCC that wasn't an option. There is pretty much no social life for a Mormon girl on the west side compared to areas near ASU. I looked but ended up living with my older sister and her family. Which was fun too, I enjoyed living with them. Then I got married and we bought our own home. The only time I have ever kind of been on my own was the 6 months Aaron was gone for military training. That was hard, but to be honest I actually enjoyed the freedom I had. I had never experienced that before. I missed Aaron terribly, but Daisy was so little and easy that I got to just be alone for the first time and I think it was good for me.

*What life lessons did you learn?
If there is one lesson I said that I really learned from my two years in college was that life needs balance. My whole world had always been volleyball and that was great when I lived at home and had other aspects to my life, but when I moved away to go to college all I had was volleyball. My life was out of balance. For the first time my favorite thing was weighing to much in my life because I didn't really have anything else at that time. Eventually I made friends and got more interests in other areas. Since then I have tried to maintain a level of balance in my life.

*What choices did you make that affect where you are now?
My choice to marry Aaron is the biggest decision I have ever made and has everything to do with the person I am now. I am much a better person now, not that I was horrible before marriage. Marriage and motherhood just have a way of forcing you to be less selfish, understanding, patient, reasonable and so much more. I love being married not just because I love Aaron but because our relationship helps me to grow and be better. If it were still just me I know I would have learned and grown but what I have learned from my choice to marry has by far made me so much better than anything I could have done without Aaron.

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