Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday Morning Ramblings

I saw this and loved it. I needed to hear this the other day. I do my best and I set lofty goals, goals that I feel that I am more than capable of reaching. And I am but I stress myself out trying to reach my lofty goals. I actually think my problem is I attack all my goals at once instead of working on one thing at a time. For example I want to be a better scriptorian, exercise everyday, plan healthy yummy meals that I make 7 days a week, build a food storage, plan fun activities for my kids, do Daisy's chores twice a day, bake bread every week, keep my house clean, the list goes on and on. I have always done this. I see the person I want to be and I try to be that person right now. And when I am not I nag myself with my failures. I forget there is a time and a season to all things. I just need to simply do what I can do in the best way I know how and all will be okay. I have been much less stressed the past week because I haven't been trying to have everything be perfect and focusing less on perfection and more on priorities. I am still working on my goals but not all at once. I know myself and I will most likely get stressed again with wanting to be better, but maybe a little less as I remember the above quote.

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